Open Moment (OM) Living

This page provides a brief description of what "Open Moment" means to me - how powerful my original (unknowing) use of it was at the beginning of my life's Journey to where I am today. That original innocent use of it in 1999 is the only reason I lived to see the year 2000. Seriously. Without the Open Moment, I would have died young, at the hands of another. THAT is how important it is to me. And it is also the reason that this ministry references it in so many different ways.

Join me, if you choose to, in this weekly exploration of what it means to "Live in the OM."


In the summer of 1999, my life began to be changed because of ONE thought that presented itself in my mind. It was a thought that I had never thought before and at that time I had no clue what to do with it. It felt alien and unfamiliar to me and the "me" that had lived her entire life as a victim of abuse thought I was going crazy.

What was that thought? It was this:

"There's got to be a better way
for me to live than this."

There was not one iota of me that believed that there could possibly be a better way for me to live. What I knew - what I had always known - was that my life was painful, I was ugly and stupid, I would never be loved, and I deserved to be abused.THAT was what I knew.  

And THAT was what I had lived up to this point.

And then, in mid-August of 1999 that new thought showed up out of nowhere. And I did not believe it was possible. 

At all. 

But I decided that I could be WILLING to believe that it was possible.

And that is exactly what "Open Moment" means. It is the willingness to have the tiniest corner of your mind open to the possibility that things can work out the way you would like them to. Or even greater still.

My life began to change for the better almost immediately, and then I was introduced to some "tools" that I could apply to start deliberately creating the life that I wanted. Which I did. Diligently and deliberately. Taking baby step after baby step, because that was all I could do at that time.

Nine months later, I had taken so many of those "baby steps" that I had become a completely different person. I had become a woman who would never be a victim again.  And I had become a woman who was ready to make a leap of faith, right out into the wildness of the Grand Unknown! 

What happened next is documented in other places, both on this site and in my books and programs. I tell this part of the story here just to lead up to what "Open Moment Ministries" and "Living in the OM" mean to me.

Over the years, "Open Moment" (as I think of it) has grown and expanded to include several other ways of living the experience, all of which will be covered over time as I move forward with this video ministry. I look forward to sharing, and to hearing your thoughts! :-)

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